Hi friend!

I’m so glad you’re here. My name is Skylar (Sky or Skylar Bree works, too!) and I am the creative behind Something From My Shelf . As a lifelong reader and believer in fairytales, I am passionate about sharing my life and authoring my own happily ever after.

My goal is to share something from my each of my personal shelves—from what I’m currently reading to my latest style finds to getting personal with Mid-Week Messages and sharing my real life behind the scenes.

Together, I hope we can build a community of individuals who are all enthusiastic about reading, fashion, lifestyle and chasing their dreams.

Want to chat with me? Feel free to leave a comment on any post or stop by my Instagram: @somethingfrommyshelf

For Business Inquiries, you can reach me at: smfs.skylar@gmail.com

Thank you for taking some time out of your day to spend it here with me!

Love, Skylar Bree

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For me, it’s all about New York streets. They’ve been immortalized in who knows how many songs and poems, movies and books, but even though I’ve spent years documenting them with my photography, I don’t think I’m any closer to understanding them than I was when I started. They are their own kind of art, and for a photographer, all you need to do is setup the shot and take it. I have lived in New York for only five years, but I have been a working, professional photographers for fifteen years now.


Street Scenes